What dealerships can learn from the hospitality industry

In 2020 the hospitality industry was quick to adopt QR code technology in order to supplement or entirely replace traditional printed menus. Now, digital menus are widely accepted by food and beverage businesses globally to improve customers’ dining experience, streamline business operations and drive more transactions.

So what can dealerships learn from the hospitality industry and how can similar technology be utilized to improve the car buying experience and drive more sales?

Each year, thousands of prospective buyers visit car dealerships without ever speaking with a salesperson or leaving their details. Such is the scale of the problem that the car industry actually has a name for these buyers - 'window shoppers'. But car dealerships aren’t doing themselves any favours - here’s why.

Traditional vehicle brochures encourage ‘window shopping’ behavior because they offer buyers everything they need to know about a vehicle - without collecting any contact information about the buyer.

DealDriver makes it quick, easy, and affordable for car dealerships to create QR code brochures that collect buyers’ verified contact details and display vehicle information when scanned. For marketing and sales teams, DealDriver provides valuable insights and the opportunity to re-market to verified buyers or match them with the type of vehicle they’re searching for when it hits your stock.


How to implement QR code vehicle display notices